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Dissolution of Better Marriages

The National Board of Directors of Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (ACME) dba Better Marriages have unanimously agreed that the time is right to pass the baton to a new generation of relationship programs and organizations who will carry forward our mission.

Sunset for ACME

The dissolution of the Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (dba Better Marriages) will be effective as of December 31, 2024.

This decision was made after long, careful analysis and consideration of:
  • Years of decline in membership, leadership, and financial contributions
  • Years of decreased attendance at conferences and leadership training
  • Rapidly changing societal trends that impact our content and structure
  • The announcement of Priscilla Hunt, our Executive Director of 16 years, of her intention to retire.

Created as a Collaboration

Our work has been anchored in the imagination, commitment, and tenacity of its founders as well as key leaders throughout its 50-year history.

From its inception, Better Marriages was a collaborative endeavor. In 1973 there were “over 20 organizations offering programs for marriage enrichment at the national level.” [The Handbook of The Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment (1978)]. Today a Google search for “Marriage Enrichment” reveals more than 100 pages of programs and organizations.  These are our offspring and our future! They are our current-day collaborators.

Created as a Movement

“In 1973, Vera and I launched the Association for Couples in Marriage Enrichment. Its purpose was and is to attempt to give shape and direction to the developing marriage enrichment movement. The marriage enrichment movement is still spreading and growing.”
David Mace, 1983

Better Marriages was created to serve a “movement”.  A “movement” is not static; it’s not rooted in one place and time. It’s larger than any one organization. We believe that the vision expressed by David and Vera Mace is being realized beyond their greatest dreams. Our mission is alive and well as hundreds of organizations carry on our legacy.

You can read more details HERE.

Thank you for being integral to the legacy of the organization you helped foster.

Yours in service,

Executive Director

Priscilla Hunt

Board of Directors

Michael & Suanne Yarbrough, President
Michael & Myra Holmes, Secretary
Debbie & Jorge Garza, Treasurer
Shirley Cantrell
Hope & John Colson
Ken & Vernita Griffith

Lana Wheatley

Ex-Officio Board Members

Cindy & Ross Alander
Terry Heinlein
Chuck & Renee Hinson
Bill & Linda McConahey
Charlie & Debbie Parsons

Gene & Ginger Wall


Chuck Hinson, Chair
John Colson
Michael Yarbrough