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Dissolution FAQ

Q: What factors were considered in the decision to dissolve Better Marriages as a 501(c)3 nonprofit?
A: The Board looked realistically at current and long-term trends within the organization:

  • Declining membership
  • Insufficient donations
  • Lack of interest in Leadership Training
    Lack of interest in International Marriage Enrichment Conferences
  • Local, State, and Regional Chapters forming their own 501(c)3 nonprofits, decreasing their need for a National Organization
  • Difficulty getting individuals and couples to serve on the National Board
  • The announcement from Priscilla Hunt, our Executive Director for 15+ years, about her intention to retire at the end of the year.

The Board also looked realistically at current trends in society at large:

  • Decline in the percentage of couples who seek marriage
  • Rise of non-traditional relationships, including cohabitation and same-sex couples
  • Answers from younger couples in formal focus groups provided new perspectives that clarified the uphill challenge to reaching a new generation.
  • Dramatic increase of available relationship enrichment and educational organizations, programs, and resources
  • Increased access to online resources available 24/7, often for free
  • Development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that can search the internet for instantaneous answers to any question. For example, this new technology can compile information from various sources to create outlines for couples’ retreats, workshops, and programs, complete with schedules and outlines. This technology can produce blog posts, articles, etc. within seconds

Q. What will happen to Better Marriages chapters?
A: Local, state, and regional chapters are welcome to continue their work under the banner of Better Marriages or are free to re-brand if they so choose.

Q: I’m a Leader Couple, what should I do?
A: We hope you’ll continue to serve couples. You’re welcome to continue to use Better Marriages resources. Now is the time to purchase and download these at BetterMarriages.org before December 31, 2024. If you’re a certified Leader Couple, your certification will remain valid and intact.

Q: What will happen to the Close Companions Online Relationship Academy?
A: Courses will no longer be available beginning December 31, 2024. If you’re enrolled in a course, you can download the individual modules onto your computer and complete them whenever it’s convenient. If you’d like to purchase a course, you have until December 31 to do so. Find our online courses at courses.CloseCompanions.org

Q: What will become of our websites?
A: These will become inactive as of December 31, 2024.

Q: Can we still purchase Better Marriages resources?
A: Yes. You can purchase resources until December 31 HERE.

Q: Where can we refer couples for support?
A: Certified Leader Couples and Chapter contact information are listed here:
www.bettermarriages.org/who-we-are. We suggest you download this information and keep it handy for referrals. We will compile a list of compatible organizations and programs and send them to you by email.

Q: What happens with the assets of Better Marriages?
A: Per our Articles of Incorporation, all assets shall be used and distributed exclusively to one or more organizations engaged in activities compatible with our own principles and concepts. Following laws related to the dissolution of a nonprofit, the National Board of Directors will research and select such organizations.

Q: When is the “Celebration of Our 50-year Legacy?”
A: October 26, 2024. Register before August 24 HERE

Q: Where will the Celebration be held?
A: At a hotel in Charlotte, North Carolina. Arrangements are currently underway. We’ll provide more specific details by email as soon as they’re available. Register before August 24 HERE

Q: What if we need to cancel our registration?
We will issue refunds if requested in writing before October 12.

Q: Who is invited to the event “Celebration of Our 50-year Legacy”?
A: The Celebration is designed for individuals and couples who have had a relationship with Better Marriages – members, former members, Leader Couples, attendees of Marriage Enrichment Groups, participants in our programs and events, etc. It is not a conference; it is an opportunity for the Better Marriages “family” to gather to share hugs and stories. Register before August 24 HERE

Q: How will we find out more details?
A: Watch your email for more information as it becomes available.

Q: What if we have questions?
A: You’re invited to a Question/Answer session with the Board and the Executive Director on August 27 at 8 pm Eastern.

How to join the call on your computer:

Meeting ID: 345 016 1726

How to join the call on your phone:

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/aiJ960Qm2
Meeting ID: 345 016 1726