Achieving Your Goals. . . Together | Exercises | Blog | Better Marriages | Educating Couples - Building Relationships

Achieving Your Goals. . . Together

“If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”
Yogi Berra

Part of being intentional about growth is setting goals. Goals help us get where we want to go. They should be realistic and clearly stated.

1. Clarify and define your personal goals for the next six months. Then share them with your partner.

2. Together, set goals for your relationship (couple goals) for the next six months – take a marriage education class, turn off the television one night a week, schedule a weekend away, etc.

3. Together, set goals for your family for the next six months – daily patterns, habits, experiences, etc.


• Were you surprised by any of your partner’s goals?

• Which goals are most important to you right now?

• What are the current issues surrounding these goals?

• How do your partner’s goals complement or compete with yours?

• How can you each contribute to achieving these goals?

• What will be the first step to make these goals become a reality?