Browsing "Stress"
Understanding and Managing Each Other’s Triggers
Understanding and Managing Each Other’s Triggers Every relationship has an unspoken choreography, a dance of words, subtle gestures, and even silences. Sometimes, it’s smooth, almost effortless. Other times, it stumbles on invisible cracks. These cracks – our triggers – are hidden […]
Tips for Proactive Planning with Your Partner While Navigating Uncertain Times As society responds to a global health crisis, individuals and couples must learn to adapt to a new way of living, working, and socializing. Some major changes that have occurred during this time include isolation for safety, reducing in-person socialization […]
Rekindle Your Relationship with Mindfulness
Rekindle Your Relationship with Mindfulness Dr. Linda Miles Coming soon: Online Relationship Academy Do you recall the beginning of your relationship, when you first fell in love? What is it that made those butterflies in your stomach fade away? What happened along the […]
Tips for Reducing Stress Coming soon: Online Relationship Academy Persistent anxiety takes its toll on your emotions, and it affects your body as well. In fact, anxiety sets off a trail of physical responses such as chest pain, heart palpitations, shaking, chills, hot flashes, nausea, […]
Rescuing Your Relationship from Stress
Jon Beaty/November 2017 This article was originally published by The Gottman Institute and republished with permission Emotional distance, a loss of intimacy, and the death of romance. That describes our marriage less than six months after my wife and I exchanged vows. […]
How Can Stress Show Up in a Relationship?
Courtesy of Between the disarray that is life and the fact that we are so aware of mental health and disorders such as depression, we can easily get bogged down with circumstances both in and out of our control. While […]
The Impact of Tiredness on Marital Conflicts
They say to “never go to bed angry,” but dealing with conflict while sleep-deprived can be a recipe for disaster. Tired couples may find themselves arguing more than when they are well-rested. One reason for this is that sleep deprivation not […]
How stress affects your health
Stress: We've all felt it. Sometimes stress can be a positive force, motivating you to perform well at your piano recital or job interview. But often — like when you're stuck in traffic — it's a negative force. If you […]
Can this marriage be saved?
By Anna Miller for American Psychological Association With up to 50 percent of marriages ending in divorce, new research by psychologists is delineating the factors that make love last. Ask any young couple how long their marriage will last, and chances are, […]
Simple Ways to Be Inspired and Stress-free Every Day
by Mandy With the holidays here, I find myself becoming a bit more anxious. My spouse and I have to coordinate work schedules to match kids’ school schedules. We have travel plans to visit our relatives in another state which requires detailed […]