Browsing "Romance": Page 2 of 6
16 Free & Cheap Date Nights for the Fall Season
by: Nancy DeVault Saving for the holidays? Kudos! But there’s no need to cut out date night to maintain your seasonal budget because free and/or cheap date nights can be just as fun as big-ticket outings. This fall season, fall in […]
20 Ideas for Date Night
cook a gourmet meal together read together - either read the same book aloud, or each of you choose your own book walk and talk ride bikes dabble in a new sport - bowl? skate? batting cage? putting green? […]
6 Benefits of Cuddling with Your Spouse
From: Did you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body? Well it is and because it is you should be using it to benefit your marriage. When your skin is in contact with your spouse’s skin through cuddling […]
Dull days wreck a marriage faster than fighting
By Linda Carroll Shared adventures help stave off boredom in a marriage. And boredom, according to new research, is a top romance killer. When Jana Dolnik and her husband, Ladia, signed up for horseback-riding lessons, they never expected that their new […]
Are You Feeling Distant from Your Partner? Four Ways to Rekindle Your Love
By: Kim Von Berg Can you relate to this scenario in any way? Your alarm goes off - and you glance over to see your spouse lying next to you - and the first thought you think is, “Who the […]
Marriage Moments Compilation
Marriage Moments Members of Better Marriages receive a weekly “Marriage Moment” delivered to their inbox. If you aren’t currently a member and want to get more articles, tips, and couple exercises, you can join at Please enjoy this sample compilation. “All those ‘and […]
Radical Marriage: Your Relationship as Your Greatest Adventure
by David & Darlene Steele. What does a Radical Marriage look like? No-one really knows because this is largely uncharted territory and individual for each couple. You can see glimpses in other couple relationships when they seem incredibly connected and in […]
The 7 Myths of Marriage
By the Staff at eHarmony 1. Marriage Fixes Everything (Anything) The idea that everything in your life will get better, even a little better, when you’re married is pretty silly when you think about it. Imagine two people who are miserable — […]
7 Reasons Why ‘Getting Away’ is Good for Your Relationship
By Ryan Frederick of Fierce Marriage Getting away with your spouse is a vital part of keeping things renewed and fresh. This means taking time to intentionally disconnect from your everyday world and reconnect with your life partner. I strongly believe […]
Press Release: Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz to Speak at Conference
Drs. Charles and Elizabeth Schmitz, Marriage Experts and World-Renowned Authors, Set to Speak at Better Marriages Conference™, July 2015 Nationally Recognized Marriage Professionals to Address Hundreds of Married Couples at Better Marriage’s Keystone Event. . .Winston-Salem, NC, August 18, 2014 Better Marriages™, […]