Browsing "relationship advice": Page 12 of 23
The Joy of the Unexpected
From the resource files of Better Marriages All of us expected to find happiness with our chosen partners. However, one of life's surprises is the joy of the unexpected pleasures. That joy is the focus of this couple exercise. Write your responses to […]
Relationship Growth Plan
by Eddie and Sylvia Robertson adapted from Wonderful Wednesdays, available in our online bookstore here. It is always a good time to create a Relationship Growth Plan. Where do you want your relationship to be in a month? A year? It can […]
10 Ways to Make the New Year a Relationship Game Changer
by Priscilla Hunt, Specialist in Marriage Enrichment New Year's Resolutions sometimes get a bad rap. Often, they're the butt of jokes and we get the message that we're expected to fail after the first week of the new year. But, Greg and […]
A BIG Message about Love Relationships in a Few Select Words
by Jackie Black, Ph.D., BCC Your life will not be “better” if you are married or in a committed relationship. We take ourselves with us wherever we go…especially into love relationships. A successful, committed relationship depends upon being ready: physically emotionally financially […]
Living A Life in Alignment
by Jackie Black, Ph.D., BCC We create our life and our love life through our beliefs, intentions, and the actions we take in the world. Every one of us has an inner guidance system that drives us and guides our choice-making whether […]
Why Argue? Keeping the Lines of Communication Open
by Jackie Black, Ph.D., BCC A minor disagreement can get out of hand very quickly or a simple conversation can suddenly turn into a shouting match. Why? Because your fear of being abandoned, or disappointing your partner makes itself the primary consideration in […]
Dividing chores equally leads to a better sex life
by Heidi Stevens, Chicago Tribune Couples can be forgiven for not knowing whether to give chores the side-eye or the come-hither. A new study says that dividing them evenly — particularly child-care responsibilities — leads to a better sex life and all-around […]
Making A Marriage Last
by Sara Mastbaum Thomas - Contributing Writer A new report by the Institute for Family Studies suggests that couples who marry between the ages of 25 and 32 have the lowest likelihood of splitting up in the future. Even more intriguing, […]
How to Stop Fighting About Money in Your Marriage
Editor’s Note: This is a guest post from Alex Craig of Have a Rich Marriage. Let’s be honest, money causes conflict in all of our marriages. It causes conflict because nobody has taught us how to handle or respond to money, especially […]
Default Mode
Dear Eddie, Last week, we took part in a Virtual Marriage Enrichment Group about Differences. A couple shared that when they are vulnerable, their differences rise up. Under stress, you and I often fall back into Default Mode. Our personal factory settings give […]