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25 Fun Questions To Ask Your Spouse
www.marriage360.org John Gottman calls them love maps. We call them open ended questions. The point here is that you talk, laugh, dream and learn more about each other. Some questions are silly while others really get you thinking about some possible big […]
The Holy Trinity of Finances
by: Tim Schuster How managing your finances is about more than being practical, it’s also about understanding and acknowledging the emotional and spiritual side of money … the “financial trinity” if you will. Money Is Practical There is a rational and logical side […]
Monopoly, Money, and Marriage
www.prepare-enrich.com “I will buy water works from you for $250,” my husband offered. We were playing our first family game of Monopoly. Sitting around the board was my daughter who is eight, my son who is ten, my husband Brad, and myself. Having […]
Financial Infidelity: 4 Steps for Healing Marriages Torn by Finances
by Brian Robson The Simple Dollar “…for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer…” Millions of Americans make those vows each year, but an alarming number of marriages end in divorce. In fact, it’s been estimated that the percentage of marriages ending in […]
8 [Financial] Things to Think About Before You Get Married
www.thesimpledollar.com One of the most upsetting and painful arguments that my wife and I ever had came a few months before we got married. We had been dating for six years at that point and had been planning our marriage for […]
20 Ideas for Date Night
cook a gourmet meal together read together - either read the same book aloud, or each of you choose your own book walk and talk ride bikes dabble in a new sport - bowl? skate? batting cage? putting green? […]
6 Benefits of Cuddling with Your Spouse
From: oneextraordinarymarriage.com Did you know that your skin is the largest organ on your body? Well it is and because it is you should be using it to benefit your marriage. When your skin is in contact with your spouse’s skin through cuddling […]
10 Tips for Managing Stress
Want to learn how to manage stress together 24/7? Try this self-paced, on-demand, online course - https://courses.closecompanions.org/p/managing-stress-together-online-course Develop self-awareness and learn to effectively identify your stress. If you’re flying through life, barely stopping to breathe, you might not even be […]
5 Retirement Questions Every Couple Should Ask – and Answer
By: Merrill-Lynch/Bank of America Even newlyweds can benefit from having this conversation. The sooner you come to agreement, the easier it will be for you to put a plan in place to pursue your goals. PLENTY OF DIFFICULT FINANCIAL DECISIONS will come […]
Is Negativity Hurting Your Relationship? Ways to Be More Positive
by Sheri Stritof (adapted) Negativity can come in the form of cynicism, criticism, whining, attacking, pessimism, discontent, perfectionism, and hyperintensity. All of these behaviors can push people away, including your partner. "Research indicates you can get mad as hell or avoid conflict altogether. […]